August 18, 2009


Megan's first day of Kindergarten was yesterday. The night before, she told me that she was excited, but a little nervous. I admit, I was nervous for her! When I was putting her to bed, I gave her a kiss and said "Goodnight my Kindergartner", she replied with "Goodnight my done with school Mommy".

We gave her the choice to ride to school on the Kindercare bus, or have me drive her. She wanted to ride with her friends on the Kindercare bus. Jami (The Kindercare director) was great and took pics and emailed them to me yesterday. I have pictures from before she left the house, but I forgot my camera today and need to upload them.

So, here she is. Our Kindergartner on her first day of school!

1st day of school 003 

1st day of school 005 

Megan said that she had a good day, but was sad because they did not get to go outside and play (It rained all day yesterday). She was still excited for school today though. She has 2 kids in her class that she went to Kindercare with, and a couple others that ride the Kindercare bus with her, so I think that helps her nervousness.  I hope that she continues to enjoy school.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Did you cry your eyes out?? God, I'm going to be a mess on Eric's first day! :-)