August 3, 2007

I have a new blog!

I have decided, after months of reading other people's blogs and the hassle of dealing with my website that is only viewed by family, that I was going to switch from my own website to a typepad blog. So here I am! I will still post family pictures, my scrapbooking, and other tidbits about my family. I hope that by using this it will be easier for me to update, and therefore be kept up to date. I guess we will see how that goes!

For the random person who may find this blog, here is a little about me. My name is Kelly, and I am a 30 yr old Mom, Wife, Consultant, Scrapbooker, Sister, Daughter and Friend. My goal is to use this blog to keep in touch with friends, and keep everyone up to date on family news. I am not a great or inspiring writer, but I take lots of pictures!

Here is our latest family picture. Family_picture_july_07_3


Kelly Boettcher said...


April said...

LOVE the new pic! All of you looking the same direction! How many takes was that? ;-)