December 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Eric!!!

Today is Eric's birthday, and though we celebrated on Friday I thought that I would take a few minutes to journal about our Birthday traditions for Eric. There really is only one.. Butterball Soup. Surprisingly enough I have never taken a picture of this wonderful soup. Even more surprising is the fact that this is one thing that Eric does not know how to make, and it is a recipe from HIS family! His Mom taught me how to make it a few years before she passed away. I am very thankful that I took the time to learn it from her, even though I do not enjoy cooking at all.

It is a Boettcher family tradition to have this soup for birthday dinners. We have modified the tradition a little, since as much as I love Butterball Soup, I prefer Chicken Marsala for MY birthday dinner and we let the girls choose dinner for their birthdays. We still make it, well I still make it, for Eric's birthday and we recently started making it on Judy's birthday as well.

What makes this soup so special? Besides all of the love put into it, there are these yummy little balls of bread, evaporated milk, eggs and butter... aka Butterballs that make an otherwise plain chicken noodle soup really yummy! And the chicken noodle soup is homemade as well, other than the noodles. I refuse to make the noodles when there are perfectly good options already made for me to use! I do have some limits!

This year Eric also requested a Black Forest Gateau out of a German cookbook that Sira gave us. That cake was a pain in the @ss, but it turned out pretty and tasted yummy! Next year I really should take some pictures!

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